Their products range from excellent and varied produce (common sightings: lemongrass, tamarind, a variety of dried chili peppers, fresh garbanzos, asian greens, and so many unfamiliar things we've started a list of ingredients we hope to learn to cook), to an array of well-priced spices, dried fruits and nuts, rices, baked goods, and a truly amazing seafood and meat selection.
All of the employees wear badges indicating which languages they speak. You'd have to be a truly dedicated Sporcler to be able to match all of the languages to the appropriate country.
Here is Alex examining a dragonfruit (in his hand). We can't remember what the other fruits pictured are called.
some lovely carrots and chard....
tomatillos, garbanzos and scallions, oh my!
and just a few of the fish on offer. I really should have taken more pictures of the fish counter (understatement; its more like a giant shop in itself) and meat counters. Small armies stand ready, prepared to scale and steak the whole fish of your choice, or scoop out fresh lobster and crab. All of the meat is grass-fed and hormone-free, which is a big relief for us.
Word of caution: bring a sweatshirt! The Dekalb Market is at ice-box temperatures to keep the produce as fresh as possible. Despite the sweltering August heat in Atlanta, most of the Dekalb Market employee's wear heavy winter coats under their aprons. We learned the hard way. But it was worth it!